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Our Faq’s

ИСУ Инвест > Our Faq’s

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  • Why Does Water Filteration Work?

    Water filtration needs since water has different harmful elements in them. Physical filtration removes the larger particle from the water. Chemical filtration removes the smaller impurities in the water.
  • Mineral Water vs Spring Water. Difference?

    Spring water comes from nature to the surface of the earth at an identified location. Mineral water alsos comes from underground sources but it is different from spring water because it contains a level of mineral.
  • How Mineral Water Treated Chemically?

    1.5 to 2 liters of water ought to ensure a decent hydration is fundamental to keep up the body water harmony. Sufficient water consumption, particularly drinking common mineral water, is related with higher eating diet quality.
  • What Is Natural Mineral Water SB?

    Esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat sed cup datat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim idpsum est laborum. Sed uet perspiciatis unde omnis iste.
  • Can Baby Drink Uaques Distilled Water?

    Yes, of course babies can drink uaques distilled water. We supply water in different categories.We supply distilled water, Natural (Mineral, sparkle) water, Diamond (Mineral, sparkle) water.
  • Does Mineral Water Contains Chlorine ?

    Mineral water which comes from nature does not contain any type of chlorine.But if the water comes from tap or any other source these water may contain the chlorine. Sometimes bottlers use chlorine to clean water.
  • Where Mineral Water Sourced From?

    Mineral water sourced from natural sources such as wells, pure and rich in minerals. Natural water bottled directly from sources. If the water comes from another source then it is treated with chemicals before human consumption.
  • How Mineral Water Treated Chemically?

    1.5 to 2 liters of water ought to ensure a decent hydration is fundamental to keep up the body water harmony. Sufficient water consumption, particularly drinking common mineral water, is related with higher eating diet quality.
  • How Is Sparkling Water Made?

    After grazing water with carbon dioxide under pressure will create sparkling water and provoke those little familiar bubbles to form.Carbonated water don’t affect our body.It is just healthy as normal drinking water.
  • I’ve Bought Water But It Is Not Very Real?

    Sometimes I buy water but it is not real because sometimes they don’t process it very well. They say that they process their water in 6 stages. They only say it mouth but they don’t. But we are doing it really and our customers are satisfied.